Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I think that I may be able to speak for some states that are being transfromed from a government of democracy to a totalitarian government. This transformation could be viewed as modern-day slave labor. From the "stop and frisk" in Philadelphia, PA to Arizona where stay law was passed given law-enforcement official the right to profile anybody suspected of being an illegal immigrant, back to the mid-west in Winsconsin where the governor passed a bill to take away workers right to "collective bargaining".

As done in New Jersey by Gov. Christie. At what point do we say enough is enough, we have to stand up and fight this issues because its not the rich that is suffering, its the middle-working class and poor that suffers! THE HAVE AND HAVE-NOTS. If we dont address these racist and discrimatory behavior of these governors and the people that support them, this will turn into a "trickle down effect". Meaning that if the government start changing our CIVIL RIGHTS they will for sure change our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. This will happen from higher level of goverment to the lower level of government.

Before you know it, all of our rights which was fought for will change. What the most eccentric thing of it all the media (unfair media), will use their trickory in to making the people of America think that issues such as poor education, taking away the right to collective-bargain, health care cuts that affect the minorities and give tax break to the rich, is the right thing to do and also make you feel as if it would be "just rights" for everyone!

Some may say, well how do we deal with these issues. Simply, by drawing up proposals and resolutions, creative protest at the state building, letting the people know that you have a voice and you have rights to demand full equality. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, "THE GREATEST RIGHT OF AMERICA TO PROTEST FOR RIGHTS!"


 "You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X (By Any Means Necessary)

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