As we embark upon 2016-2017 school year, we must
examine the previous school year in the Penns Grove Carneys Point School
District. The Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Zenida Cobian, has been at the
helm of the district for three years. Under her leadership, there has been some
positive modifications: repairs to buildings, revised courses and a partnership
with School Based Youth Services Program at Penns Grove High School. However,
there are issues and policies implemented by the previous superintendent and
are still ubiquitous in our schools. We currently lack a teaching staff
that properly reflects our student population, adequate safety and security
procedures for students as well as staff, below average standardized test
scores along with zero percent in college and career readiness and a scarcity
of African and Hispanic students in Advanced Placement and gifted classes.
An important issue I raised as a member of the
Board of Education was teachers’ attendance throughout the district,
particularly at the high school. The Penns Grove High School has 53 certified
teaching staff. Teachers missed, collectively, 110 days out of 180 day
school year. This past school year, students at the high school had a 93%
attendance record, as compared to the faculty, who had a 39% attendance rate.
This means teachers are absent 61% of the time. I find that to be unacceptable,
as well as a poor example for our students, who are now mandated by the New
Jersey Department of Education to pass PARCC in order to receive a high school
diploma. The high school dropout rate is 24%, six times the state average
of 4%.
There is a new principal, Mrs. Lori O’Brien.
There are questions in the community. What is Mrs. O’Brien’s plan to improve
the high school? Will she continue calling law enforcement and expelling
African and Hispanic American students at rates much higher than their white
peers? Will minorities continue to be inadequately placed in gifted and
college level classes?
It’s time for the Board
of Education and Dr. Cobian, to bring forth robust and vigorous solutions to
these problems instead of avoiding the issues.
Walter L. Hudson Sr.
Social Justice Activist